Tripp turns 2

This is a quick video of Tripp's birthday party!! I included almost all of the photos I took that day..some are blurry and/or dark, but hopefully that allows viewers to feel the joy and excitement!!
Dasai Family

Boy!! I have some beautiful friends who have some beautiful families and babies!! Thanks for allowing me to come into your home to meet sweet Kayla!! The tea was so good..I'll be back for some more!!!
Meet Lorenzo

This is such a sweet famliy and every member is beautiful. Wait until you meet Ms. M, the 5 year old diva!! She is a total model in the making!! Thanks for letting photograph your little Lorenzo!
The Spencers

This was so much fun!! I know I'm always going to laugh when I'm around this family. They are just cutest family. Thanks so much Spencers for letting me be a part of this memory...Waiting on Wyatt!!
Attached is a slide show of stunning Kelly and her handsome men....Glen(husband) & Tripp!!