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Beautiful Nurse Anna

I met Anna when I was pregnant with Benjamin and was crazy enough to think I would like to become a nurse during my pregnancy....I still don't know what I was thinking.  Anna and I started together taking prerequisites.  I was the drop out!!!  She not only finished, but is now on her way to becoming a mid- wife. So proud of her!!  I can't wait meet this new little Cherry!!


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Reader Comments (2)

Jamila, I am so impressed by your pictures! And PS you would have made an amazing nurse, but taking pictures of adorable babies and bellies seems like a lot more fun and you're really, really good at it. Can't wait for little Baby Cherry to arrive so you can work your photographic magic on him :) Magic!

May 29, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAnna Cherry

Thanks Anna!! And thank you for the full on shout out on Facebook!! You look wonderful and happy!!

May 29, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterjamila

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