6 month old cutie pie K...

Isnt she a sweetie!! My super crafter friend made this yellow bunting..and hopfully will be making more..Please!
Isnt she a sweetie!! My super crafter friend made this yellow bunting..and hopfully will be making more..Please!
This little boy has so much personality!! He danced and had a great time. Not only is he one of the cutest little babies, but he is also a great dancer!! I really heart breaker....just a few of his awesome expressions...
I shot this with Latasha and really had a wonderful time. It was wonderful to have an extra set of hands on set.!! Thanks so much!
There is an amazing story for this little boy to tell when he gets old enough!! His mom went into labor on the way to the hospital and he was delivered by her brave friend. The story is so needs to be shared!!