Eli Turns one!

Such a cool family!! I just loved being a part of such a sweet small first birthday!! I especially love the photos of Drew and Eli eating the cake..Have a look!!
Such a cool family!! I just loved being a part of such a sweet small first birthday!! I especially love the photos of Drew and Eli eating the cake..Have a look!!
Congratulations!! Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of such a wonderful celebration!! She has such a great group of friends and family. Such a great accomplishment Dr Amelia!!
It's funny how fast time goes by. When Kingston was first born I photographed him and he was my very first newborn that I had photographed. Kristie, my friend, was kind enough to let me experiment with her family and her new beautiful little boy.
Look at Kingston now!! Just the cutiest little guy ever!!
Can you imagine?? One toddler and 3 new babies!! Shanon of Shanon Bell Photography asked me to help her with this shoot. It was an incredible experience and I love the images that we were able to get.
This little boy has such a nice and easy going personality. He was so easy to photograph not only because he is so darn cute, but also because he loved it and smile through the entire shoot!!